June 23, 2002
Drinks at Pacific Coast in Oakland

Tonya, Jeremy, and I took BART over to Oakland this afternoon to visit the Pacific Coast Brewing Company. The weather was gorgeous and we spent the afternoon out back in the beer garden. This was the first time that I had been to Pacific Coast and I was quite impressed. A few of their beers are excellent. I ordered the sampler and tasted their Blue Whale Ale, Cask-Conditioned Blue Whale Ale, Killer Whale Stout, Gray Whale Ale, Imperial Stout, Deviator Doppelbock, and a couple others that I don't remember. I also tasted Moonlight's Bombay By Boat IPA. It's amazing that Pacific Coast's beers are brewed with malt extract. A few of these beers are proof that it's possible to brew excellent beers using an extract base. I was also shocked at the tiny size of the brewery. It consists of a couple (4 bbl?) kettles and four fermenting tanks. The entire operation could fit in my living room, and my living room isn't very big!

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